August MIni Subscription models

These are the minis for August 2020. First up, for the Fantasy minis, the $10 tier gets you a Skeleton Dwarf, Baron Samedi, Zombie Knight 3 pose 2. The $20 tier gets you all of those plus the Homunculus, all from Brayan Nafarrate’s latest Bestiary 3 Kickstarter! The SciFi minis $10 tier will include the Technomancer, Fuzzy Captain, Cyborg Brawler, and the Spider Bot. The $20 tier gets you all of those, along with the Flying Death Beast! All SciFi models this month are from EC3D’s Ignis Quadrant Kickstarter!

Next Month’s SciFi lineup will be H.P.Lovecraft minis, also from Brayan Nafarrate’s 2020 Bestiary 3 Kickstarter, Fantasy Models TBD.

*These are physical models printed in resin, files for EC3D files can be purchased from HEROSHOARD, and Brayan Nadarrate’s files can be purchased at GUMROAD

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